Apply for a Garden Plot

Download these forms:

Plot Holder Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

About Plots at UNC Greensboro Gardens

The purpose of the UNCGreensboro Gardens is to build healthy, interactive urban communities through the collective production of locally grown, organic food. UNCGreensboro Gardens recognizes the need for education and sustainability and draw on the varied expertise at the University and within the local community. A minimum of 4 people must be listed for plot use. The rental rate for a single 4 X 8 plot is $10 per semester (fall, spring or summer) up to $30 a year. Fees will be used for maintenance and operations.

Contact Person

How are you affiliated with UNCG? (check all that apply)*
Campus Address*

Plot Request

Applying as a:*

For non class-related plot requests, please list the names and email addresses of 3 additional members of your group:

Person 1: Name
Person 2: Name
Person 3: Name
Note: previous experience is not a requirement; the committee would like to know how we can help out new gardeners.
Would you like educational support in developing your plot?*
Would you be willing to work with other faculty, staff, students, and alumni on a single plot?*

Guidelines, Rules, Commitment, and Release Form

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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